Sort your Finances out
Have you been wondering how to sort out your finances. Do you not have money you do not want to hand over to a wealth
Why : I believe that people need to know about personal finance. And I believe they should be able to make decisions independently of the banks and the financial institutions. My purpose is to create a community of people who can live adventurous and generous lives, doing great things with their money. My purpose is to help people find, grow and enjoy their money. Financial empowerment being the foundation on which all other wellbeing factors depend.
How: 1 to 1 Coaching, Corporate workshops, Webinars and roadshows. I do them all and tailor the session numbers and content to fit.
What: The outcome of all of the above for the people I work with is money confidence. A sense of enlightenment through financial literacy education and mindset exercises that gives everyone confidence to make good decisions so that they can find, grow and enjoy their own money.
I create events which educate on a variety of subjects concerning money. These events are fully interactive and contain information in a format that is fun and easy to understand. Most people had a lack of financial literacy lessons in schools and at home and this leads to quite a lot of stress. Financial wellbeing is not a one size fits all and my events range from Practical Pensions to Money Mindset to Student Finance and Investing for good. I am also a corporate speaker and able to help workplaces with their wellbeing programmes. I wish I’d had me when I was growing up.
Money coaching is a way to fill the advice gap. An important one that does not sell or tie you in to any Wealth Management firms or Banks. Financial Coaching is fully bespoke to your personal financial situation and essential for you to be able to live your life on your terms. Money Coaching with me is different because I am one of only a few fully qualified in Personal Financial Services. I retrained mid divorce and upskilled to serve others.
I run courses online in real time to help women and families make decisions concerning their finances and their futures. My courses are fun and fresh and like my Financial Education workshops encourage feedback to ensure I am creating content which is valid for my audience.
Money is such a sensitive subject that it should be left to an expert for now. I am able to identify the pinch points for your employees and am able to ensure they are informed for their financial futures. It is empowering. I also coach personal growth and money mindset for your employees and am able to signpost them to other support services or courses such as my own should they wish to know more. My talks are fun fresh and fearless. Personal finance holds the key to all other wellbeing issues in the workplace and I believe that unless we are financially empowered, we cannot fully live a rich and adventurous life.
Do you know that if you work for money you will be working for life. Investments are the way to make your money work for you, to give your choices. If you invest in alignment with your values you are able to create wealth that is sustainable and for the greater good. If you have debt, do you know how expensive that debt is? I can help you find a way to pay off the debt, will help you with your investment journey and will update you on your savings goals. We are told to save and women are good at this but focus needs to be on making money for us. We are running just to keep up.
I regularly run Women in Business events and have Mastermind groups to help with accountability and business growth. I concentrate on a range of issues that affect women in business from finance to self esteem to hairy scary goal setting. I want to be at the front end of a new way to do business. One that is full of heart and creativity. A business world that harnesses love and encouragement rather than competition and division. Look out for my Mastermind starting in January.
I am qualified Financial Educator (Dip PFS), Coach, and Mentor. I am committed to empowering individuals, couples, and groups with how they can find, use and grow their money. I know things about financial literacy and I am on a mission to share those things. Let me serve as a guide on the journey towards economic empowerment in a fun and adventurous way. Finance is the solid foundation that holds our overall well-being. I will coach mindset and teach finance. A dynamic combination to ensure success.
Engaging with diverse audiences, I tailor my sessions to meet the unique needs of individuals, couples, and groups. From Corporate training to disenfranchised teens in schools, creating bespoke fun and in interactive content, coaching and mentoring, I aim to instil confidence and knowledge in managing finances effectively and setting up great habits for life. My commitment to fostering financial well-being is rooted in the belief that financial literacy is a cornerstone life well lived.
I am a Wealth and Wellbeing geek, I delve into the intricacies of financial principles with enthusiasm, making complex concepts accessible and without jargon. Sharing insights and strategies, I aspire to transform the way people perceive and navigate their finances. Ultimately, my goal is to contribute to a more equal, more honest and kind society. Who’s with me?
Have you been wondering how to sort out your finances. Do you not have money you do not want to hand over to a wealth
I work with women in business in a variety of ways. I like to find solutions to problems in business and with the mindset for
Living as part of a family can produce stress as well as love. The love flies out the window though when there is stress about
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